Thursday, 8 January 2009

2009: so far, so good

Well, we’re a week into 2009, computer problems seem to be behind me at last, and I am really going to keep my blogging up this year. My other resolve is to keep on top of papers and magazines, getting rid of things at regular intervals, read or unread. Mmm….if I manage that one it will definitely be a first.

The cold snap continues, mention being made of similar cold winters such as 1947, which I don’t actually remember as I made my appearance into the world as the thaw set in. 1963 I do remember. I was doing mock ‘O’ levels at the time, in freezing conditions. I like to quote our headmistress, who told us, “Girls! You may have a hot water bottle or a Thermos, not both!” We were encouraged to be moderate in all things - a touch of Lady Bracknell there.

And the years that are quoted in relation to the economic crisis are 1973/4, 1980/1 and 1990. Looking back I realise that they made no impact on me whatsoever. One might put it down to ignorance, or to the optimism of (relative) youth, but the first date coincided with a decision to give up work and become a mother, the second with a feverish effort to move house and the last with extending the bungalow. Maybe the fact that there was nothing significant in the bank to worry about back then, made a difference.

So….back to the present. We did try not to sit around all Christmas, but the social programme sometimes makes it difficult to do other than a few ‘walks round the block’ or down to the village. The icy weather of ’09 has meant that it has been firm underfoot and we have enjoyed walks a little further afield. We had a lovely walk around Elvaston Castle and also managed the Long Walk at Kedleston. ‘Long’ is the National Trust’s description. It’s probably about 4 miles and with a mince pie and cuppa at the end, that made just the right sort of walk for us.

The first cinema trip of the year was on Monday night, to the new Quad Arts Centre in Derby Market Place, a very comfortable venue but a not so comfortable film. We saw “Summer” featuring Robert Carlyle, a film set in North Derbyshire around Bolsover. Lots of ‘language’ and plenty of food for thought.

I’m pleased to report that Santa Claus came up trumps with a good selection of books for me. I am inclined to gloat when I see enough reading material to keep me happy until the days start to lengthen. Details are as follows:
“Chocolate and Cuckoo Clocks” The Essential ALAN COREN
“Deaf Sentence” by DAVID LODGE
“The World According to Bertie” and
“The Careful Use of Compliments” by ALEXANDER McCALL SMITH
A good start to the year I would say. Reviews in due course.


Katie-Louise's blog said...


I'm katie-louise, I'm not sure if I am talking to the right 'Shelia Penrick' here that used to be a teacher of the deaf and worked with me while at school etc.

I research online through blogsport because I actually have my own blog site and while searching using keywords such as "deaf, Derby, Cochlear Implants" it has come up with yours and a few others.

So, if it is you, Shelia, then, I would like to say hello and I hope you are well?


MG said...

Not impressed by your resolution!